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Class Home Page

LHHS Classes of 1993 News


Upcoming Reunion!

Information mailers were sent out prior to the end of XXXX. If you did not get a mailer you are a "lost graduate". If you did not get a mailer and you are NOT on the Lost List you are still a "lost graduate". We are going by a list that the school provided. We have found it to be inaccurate. Some of the graduates are not on the list we received from the school. In some cases, our class members either graduated a little early or a little late. It seems that some of those did not make the list. If you know graduates that might be in this predicament let me know and we will get them a mailer. If you know class members that went through school with our class and moved before graduation let me know, we can extend them an invitation. Please keep checking the lost list. I am getting new contact information just about daily. Everyone is doing a great job at finding lost graduates. Keep up the good work!
